Newsletter September 2024

Updated September 13th, 2024

Pekin Archers would like to “Thank” everyone who came out to the range this season for our 3D Shoots.

Thank you, Chris, Grant K., Grant S., Kevin, Jason for setting up our targets for our last 3D shoot of the season. A thank you goes out again to Chris, Grant K., Kevin, and Kurt for picking up targets, shooting curtains, and trash bins. You all are awesome and you are greatly appreciated

Scorecards: Turned in to registration Pat Howe 283-Saturday and 288-Sunday. Thanks Pat.

In the next couple of weeks, I will be announcing dates for work parties to clean up range and winterizing the club as the end of the year maintenance.

It has been a great year, it started off with plenty of rain, ended with chilly mornings, eventually warming up and it was a beautiful weekend.Our 3D shoot in September, we had a great turnout both days, met some old friends, and had some great conversations.

Thanks again for everyone’s support, remember to continue supporting the local archery clubs and archery businesses.

Hope to see everyone next season, have great rest of the year, and Happy Hunting!


Nancy Kerley President

Pekin Archers Inc.


Download Newsletter PDF Here: September 2024 Newsletter

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